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Together with Permanent Secretary Michael Biel (Berlin Senate), members of the German parliament, German business associations, and a selected group of startups — we discussed how to further accelerate colloaboration and investments between Asia and Germany with Asian Ambassadors. The event was in collaboration with enpact, Asia Berlin Forum ev, the Berlin Senate, and the Foreign Council On Economic Relations. It was perfect timing as we are gearing up for AsiaBerlin Summit 22 scheduled on 12 to 18 September.

The Foreign Council On Economic Relations (FCER) hosted a breakfast talk with Asian Ambassadors to foster the startup cooperation between our continents and to present the AsiaBerlin initiatives.

We had introduction talks from Maximilian Hoffmann and Alexander Kulitz (FCER), Jan Lachenmayer (enpact), Prof. Dr. Andreas Zaby (President HWR and Vice-President of the AsiaBerlin Forum), Dr. Dr. Kim J. Zietlow (Germany Trade & Invest) and Dr Rainer Seider from the Berlin Senate.

Permanent Secretary Michael Biel presented AsiaBerlin as a powerful and highly motivated community and highlighted the relevance of the Embassies: “They are important partners for the Berlin Senate to build bridges between our two continents. Startups often need diplomatic support, an official background to get access to partners in another ecosystem.” He underlined the significance of the Embassies Program of the AsiaBerlin Summit 2022 to demonstrate the specific offers of the Embassies.

We were very happy to meet so many #Ambassadors and Diplomats, as
·    Harish Parvathaneni (Ambassador of India)
·    Mohammad Faisal (Ambassador of Pakistan)
·    Pengiran Krtini Pengiran Tahir (Ambassador of Brunei Darussalam)
·    Mandakhbileg Birvaa (Ambassador of Mongolia)
·    Yin Yin Myint (Ambassador Republic, Union of Myanmar)
·    Md. Mosharraf Hossain Bhuiyan (Ambassador, People´s Republic of Bangladesh)
·    Ram Kaji Khadka (Ambassador, Nepal)
·    Viphawan Benniman (Charge d’ Affaires a.i., Kingdom of Thailand)
·    Lillibeth Pono (Charge’ d’ Affaires a.i., Republic of the Philippines)
·    Chuchart Jirojkul (Minister Counsellor, Kingdom of Thailand)
·    Mary Luck Hicarte (Minister, Republic of the Philippines)
·    Hideo Suzuki (Minister, Japan)
·    Yul Edison (Deputy Chief of Mission, Republic of Indonesia)

The meeting offered a platform to connect with diplomats to scale in Asia for German startups, such as Joel Tasche from CleanHubAlexander Oelling from Volocopter GmbHKurosch Daniel Habibi from Carl Kliem Corporate Finance GmbHTorge Barkholtz from Kooky. / , and Leila Laidani from Tranzer 🤝

It was yet another chance to host our very own #AsiaBerlinAmbassadorsTina NayakAmrita GandikotaUpen BarveMarten Rauschenberg🌻Mike Richardson , Freya Choi, and Chika Yamamoto.

Want to be updated on all the fun we are having at AsiaBerlin? Follow us on LinkedinInstagram, and Twitter for regular updates on all AsiaBerlin activities.


The summit is being hosted at the following venue:

Spielfeld Digital Hub GmbH
Skalitzer Straße 85/86
10997 Berlin

Note: satellite events take place at various addresses