My Story

Asia Berlin Forum eV

Martin-Luther-Str. 105
10825 Berlin
Tel .: +49 30 24336466


Authorized representative of the APFB:
Feiyu Xu, Chairwoman
Timon Rupp, Vice Chairman


Responsible for content according to §55 I RStV:
Marten Rauschenberg, Interim Managing Director


Image rights start pages Photo MS HoloLens © Tran –


Image rights APW 2018
Conference program: © Florian Reimann
Asia-Pacific Music Dialogue: © Simon Pauly


Image rights APW 2017
Conference program: © Frank Nürnberger
Press Conference: © Stefan Wieland


Image rights APW 2016
May 23 (Opening Event): © Frank Nürnberger
May 24-25 (Embassy Day Asia-Pacific, Networking Cruise, CSC Day 1): © briti bay
May 26-27 (CSC Day 2-3): © Fabian Pape


Image rights APW 2015
Conference program: © Frank Nürnberger
Exhibition at Gardens of the World: © briti bay


Image rights APW 2014 © briti bay


Design and programming of the website:
Startup Colors UG, Friedrichstrasse 120, 10117 Berlin


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Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.