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Berlin Landing Pad Program

About the Berlin Landing Pad Program

Berlin Landing Pad Program is an 8-week intensive program designed to equip startup founders with the right tools and skills to establish as a founder in Berlin.

The aim of this program  is to bridge the startup ecosystems of Germany and Asia through mentorship, network building and value exchange. This unique launchpad program is a mix of individual coachings, group training, personal mentorships sessions, and networking sessions catering to exceptional founders from Asia, aspiring to expand to Europe,  with a solid track record of managing businesses and a proven local customer base. 

During the program, the focus is on three core pillars in order to get the founders ready to land in Berlin:

Product Market Fit

Investor Readiness and Networking

Core Business Skills and Cultural integration

The Process

Application → Selection of Startups→ Program Kick-off →  8 Weeks of Group Sessions, 1on1 Sessions and Networking Sessions→ Demo Day → Alumni and Community

Here are some moments from our Berlin Landing Pad programs

Read more about our individual Berlin Landing Pad Programs through the links below!

The summit is being hosted at the following venue:

Spielfeld Digital Hub GmbH
Skalitzer Straße 85/86
10997 Berlin

Note: satellite events take place at various addresses