Head of Digital Transformation Center Vietnam – GIZ
Bringing Asia and Germany closer together on startups and innovation has been a passion ever since his studies in Taiwan. Following his studies, he worked with CONSTELLATIONS International out of Shanghai and Berlin and got to know the AsiaBerlin summit and community. Trained at the HPI School of Design Thinking, Tarek joined the Digital Transformation and Innovation Department of the German Development Cooperation Agency (GIZ) as an Advisor for Innovation Management in 2018. Since early 2021, he leads the Digital Transformation Center and Make-IT in Vietnam, supporting Vietnamese government and business partners in driving innovation, shaping digital policies and supporting entrepreneurs. As a member of the Global Shapers Community (born out of the World Economic Forum), the German-French Young Leaders and the Global Diplomacy Lab, Tarek is happy to connect with you over his love for community building and prototyping – and matcha tea!