Lu Ying CEO Future Urban Living/ Urban Innovation Pockets
Home » Lu Ying CEOFuture Urban Living/ Urban Innovation Pockets
October 26, 2021
Lu is an impact-driven leader who believes that asking ‘why’ is in the core of everything. With Finnish-Shanghainese origins, she has a broad range of experiences acquired across 8 cities and 3 continents, from startups to C-level executions in the most innovative organizations ranked by Forbes. Wildly curious about urban ecosystems, Lu explores systemic shifts in the space of Circular Economy and regulated blockchain. As the co-founder of Future Urban Living, Lu is on a mission to help pioneering businesses and cities close the loop by redefining, reshaping and reimagining the way value is created in our economies. Blending industries to be at her ideal intersection of business, social impact and arts, Lu is also a Global Shaper in the World Economic Forum and chairs Strategic Alliances on the board of Entrepreneurs Organization (EO).
We want to deepen our focus on the Berlin and Asia startup ecosystems and hence we are initiating community partnerships with ecosystem players in both regions. The idea is to support each other for cross-promotion on various communication channels and generally establish a relationship for long term collaboration so our existing AsiaBerlin community can be of help to our community partners in Asia as well.
What we expect
We would be happy if you could support us with 2 + social media posts related to our summit this year in September 2022
One announcement regarding our summit in the mailing Newsletter.
In exchange, we will happy to have the
Your logo on our website (as a community partner)
Announcement in the fortnightly ABS newsletter
1 social media post featuring your company on all our channels
(optional) A blog post interview with your company