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Discussing Open Data Ecosystems with Affinidi

While users are worried about losing control over their data, application builders are unable to keep up with policy changes and regulations! Both sides are struggling – consumers and companies. We need simple processes and tools to create trust in open data ecosystems while giving complete transparency and control to the end user. This is exactly what we will be discussing at this satellite event with our partner Affinidi.
  1. Junius Ho, Co-founder and Chief Product Officer (tbc)
  2. Niandong Wong, Chief Foundations Officer
  3. Marco Podien, Developer Evangeslist
  4. Zain Yousaf, Product Principal
What’s in it for you? Attendees will get an inside look at the suite of no-code tools being developed at Affinidi!


Sep 14 2022


6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

More Info

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Kreuzberg - Private Büroflächen und Coworking Stresemannstraße 123 10963 Berlin


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The summit is being hosted at the following venue:

Spielfeld Digital Hub GmbH
Skalitzer Straße 85/86
10997 Berlin

Note: satellite events take place at various addresses